Cyberpunk's clothing system makes it a lot of fun to play around with styles, as my Cyberpunk Outfits show. Since I am always going back and forth between the mod sites and the game, I started to build a database of my favorite clothing mods to keep track of their source and which items they make available.
You can contribute to this list!

Mod source
NC Fashion Atelier
DS2 Jacket, Bodysuit and Necklace
20 items available. Show
AutoScale Body-Gymfiend Body-Hyst-Angel Body-Hyst-EBB Body-Hyst-EBBP Body-Hyst-EBBPRB Body-Hyst-EBBRB Body-Vanilla Clothing FemV FullBody GarmentSupport Jacket Jewelry MaleV Neck Necklace Torso Transparent

Mod source
Zenitex Atelier
Military Combat Armor
87 items available. Show
Accessories Arms Body-Adonis Body-Atlas Body-EVB Body-Gymfiend Body-Hyst-Angel Body-Hyst-EBB Body-Hyst-EBBP Body-Hyst-EBBPRB Body-Hyst-EBBRB Body-Hyst-RB Body-Lush Body-Solo Body-VTK-VanillaHD Body-Vanilla Choker Clothing FemV MaleV Modular Neck Torso

Mod source
KMKC's Virtual Atelier
Negan Jacket
16 items available. Show
Body-Hyst-Angel Body-Hyst-EBB Body-Hyst-EBBP Body-Lush Body-Solo-Small Body-VTK-Big Body-VTK-Small Body-Vanilla Clothing FemV Jacket MaleV Torso

Mod source
DBRV n CO Virtual Store
Techtopia Gloves
1 items available. Show
Body-EVB Body-Gymfiend Body-Hyst-Angel Body-Hyst-EBB Body-Hyst-EBBPRB Body-Hyst-EBBRB Body-Hyst-RB Body-VTK-VanillaHD Body-Vanilla Clothing FemV Gloves Hands MaleV

Contribute to the database
The mod database is powered by the Cyberpunk Clothing Mods Database GIT project. There is a detailed contribution guide there, from reporting typos to adding new mods.