This gallery showcases my main characters in EVE Online, with their biographies. I played actively for 11 years, and stopped in 2019. I still log in occasionally to check in on what happens in the corporation, and to have fun with the character customization.

The biographies

And also, as a bonus: Character Screenshots Howto


Character screenshots howto

There is no function in EVE Online to take a full body screenshot like you get for the portraits (right-click a portrait > "Capture Portrait"). The best way to take character screenshots is to use the character customization screen.

There are a few tricks to get some good results:

  • In the game settings under "Display & Graphics" > "Character Display Settings", set the texture quality to "High".
  • Press and hold both mouse buttons, then move the mouse up and down for precise zooming. The mouse wheel is often not precise enough.
  • Switch to the "Body Modifications" category to hide the "History" bar at the bottom.
  • To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard.

Note: EVE Online saves its screenshots in "Documents/EVE/capture" on Windows.

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